We are a church whose mission is to help people in LOVING GOD and SERVING OTHERS.
No Perfect People Allowed.
Discovery was launched in 1999 as a church plant of Rocky Mountain Christian Church, LifeBridge Christian Church, East 91st Christian Church, along with Church Planters of the Rockies and The Orchard Group. From the beginning, its focus has been to help people from any background discover the compelling reason to follow Jesus.
Because of this mandate, we strongly invite people to belong before they believe, and because of that, we’re convinced that no matter what you’ve done or what’s been done to you, you’re welcome at Discovery. Consequently, the Discovery community is a collection of passionate Christ followers, as well as those examining the claims of Christ, including skeptics who have found community here.
In short, we’re Christ-centered and outward-focused. We’re fervent about our beliefs yet respectful and courteous to everyone who joins our community.