you don't have to NAVIGATE YOUR journey alone
Discovery Cares
emotional and spiritual support
Discovery Cares team ministers to individuals by providing emotional and spiritual support and connecting them with resources within Discovery and the community. The team is led by Dan and Sue Pence, and Johnny and Carol Hill.
Dan Pence
Sue Pence
Johnny Hill
Carol Hill
additional resources
At Discovery, we understand that at any given time, any of us can find ourselves in challenging situations where we need additional resources. We are here to help you navigate those difficult times and access the resources that are available to you. The first step is to set up a time to meet with members of our Compassion Team by directly calling us at (720) 504-1122.
spiritual, mental, and emotional lives are connected
At Discovery, we understand that sometimes people need counseling to help work through stuck places and empower us to move toward health. If you are interested in counseling, we would like to help. We have a list of local therapists for your consideration. We provide scholarships on a need basis.
When someone in our community is caring for a new baby, recovering from surgery or an accident, suffering from a death in the family, preparing for moving day, experiencing a financial hardship, or is consumed with tending to a sick child, we want to ease the burden by gifting meals. Meals are planned with care, made with love, and hand-delivered to you or someone you love in the midst of stress, change, pain, or uncertainty. Compassion Chefs provides 6 meals within 2 weeks.
Meals Request Form Questions? contact
Nichole Vann Barnett
Compassion Chefs Lead
We welcome your prayer requests
There are a lot of things that get thrown at us on a daily basis and no matter where you are in your faith, we want to pray for you. If you are hurting or know of someone hurting or just in need of prayer, please click the button below and email us your prayer request. We keep these completely confidential and someone from our prayer team will reply to you and let you know that you have someone praying for whatever you need.
WE comE alongside you
Jen Webster,
Support Group Coordinator
Local engagement
discovery is actively engaged with the needs of our community
Click on the organization image for more information or to find local resources.
For more info about Discovery’s community involvement, email Nancy Movick, Compassion Ministries Director.