Staff Directory
Here you can find what each person on staff is responsible for. Email someone for more information by clicking their name.
Alex Knauss, Associate Pastor of Operations
Barn Scheduling
Oversee Barn usage & schedule, communicate with tenants & Facilities & Comms
Receive & distribute Communications cards & mail, purchasing, thermometers
Schedule online hosts (Lenox), post podcast (Wendy), schedule Hospitality Team (Adasia), make Sunday resources (Adasia), Jack & Tate guides (Renae), Worship Arts tasks (Mariah)
Corbin Fleisch, FAcilities Director
Sunday services, schedule AV volunteers
Manage security system, key access
Inside repairs, daily sanitization, liaison for janitorial contracts, snow removal, lawn maintenance, manage assets & resources (tables, chairs, etc.)
AV Support
Safety & Security
Building & Property Maintenance
Mike Ruggles, Video & IT Director
Live streaming volunteer training & scheduling, record video projects & weekly announcements, Sunday morning streaming, manage Church Online and RESI
Gmail Suite & Slack support, PCO support & maintenance, network maintenance & troubleshooting, printers, volunteer team
Wendy Smith, Lead Designer & Brand Manager
Weekly church email, Women's & Men's newsletters, maintain subscriber lists
Count online views, PCO forms and lists and registrations, decide announcements
Stage slides, ministry event graphics, bulletin, Compass magazine, oversee branding
Design pages, Children's virtual resources, upload podcast & sermon notes
Gather content, scheduling & posting (Avery and Liv), SM strategy, Facebook events, YouTube video uploads, Instagram engagement (Liv and Avery)
Email Marketing
Comms Admin
Social Media