outside worship faqs

Q: Can I invite someone who does not normally attend Discovery to join me at a Gathered event?

Absolutely! We encourage it! All attendees need to register. People who are new to Discovery can register as a guest. 

Q: Can I bring an umbrella or “easy up” structure to provide shade for me/my family?

Sitting on the lawn can get hot on a sunny day. A small umbrella or wide-brimmed hat can really help, and are encouraged. Due to visibility concerns we ask you not to bring oversized umbrellas or easy ups.

Q: Are the restroom facilities available for attendees?

Yes. We are allowing access to the restrooms. Space is limited due to social distancing protocols. Our staff will be monitoring the lobby. 

Q: Why are facial coverings being required when we are meeting outdoors and are social distancing?

We know that facial coverings have become a topic of debate in the pandemic environment. Our decision to require facial coverings for our Gathered outdoor events is based on the desire to allow as many people to safely participate as possible. Recently both our local and state governments have mandated facial coverings in public spaces. We want to avoid the potential for transmission of the coronavirus (especially because of the potential for asymptomatic carriers of the virus to be contagious and transmit the virus unknowingly) as much as possible while maintaining a posture of radical welcome. Facial coverings are an important part of being able to gather safely - and to sing together! As we host more gatherings we may find we are able to relax the facial covering requirement at certain times during the event, and we will let you know as that happens. 

Q: What is the intent of having the “drive-in” option for Gathered outdoor worship events? 

The ability to attend and participate in a Gathered event, while remaining in your car, is our attempt to expand the number of people who can participate by giving them a “contact-free” option. It is also a way for people with mobility constraints to attend and participate. If you really want to sit on the lawn for a service that is already at capacity, you will probably be best served to find another date to attend and sit on the lawn. 

Q: It is so hot in the summertime. Can we start earlier to beat the heat? 

Unfortunately, due to the amount of time it takes to set up and prepare for the event we cannot accommodate an earlier start time. This is especially important out of respect for our neighbors. We are considering an evening event option. Stay tuned for more details. 

Q: Is there water available at the event?

We have made provisions for people to fill water bottles, or to get individual cups of water in our lobby. Our staff monitors can assist you in locating the water and cups. We encourage you to bring a refillable water bottle. 

Q: How long is the service? 

We aim to keep the service length under 1 hour. Sometimes our speakers can get windy and things take a little longer. 

Q: Is there anything for my kids at these events?

We are currently offering a children’s story as part of the service to provide something aimed at keeping younger participants engaged. There is also a small kit with a coloring sheet, crayons and a sucker for kids that we are handing out at the Check-In Stations. We are also looking at adding additional features for kids in the future - stay tuned for more information. 

Q: When should I arrive?

Check-In Stations will be ready for you at 8:20am at both the Clay Street entrance and Discovery’s main entrance. We recommend coming early enough to make sure you’re registered, collect communion and kids kits, and get a spot to sit on the lawn since seating is first come, first served. 

Q: Is the outside service the same as the online service? 

The sermon and children’s story are the same on each platform. However, the music outside will be different from the online service’s music due to production needs. 

Q: Is the outdoor service being broadcast as the online service those Sundays?

That would be cool, but we are not quite ready for “livestreaming” our outdoor services yet. 

Q: Where do I get the song lyrics?

You can find the song lyrics at www.dc2.me/qr-worship or by scanning the QR Code that will be on yard signs at check-in and on the lawn.